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5 Ways to Re-Energize Your Home

The home is an extension of one’s body and spirit, which is why it can have a strong impact on how a person feels.

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When I mention that I’m a Feng Shui consultant, I’m often met with comments like, “Oh, that means having a red door,” or “That has something to do with the position of your bed, right?” And while these responses have validity, Feng Shui is so much more than placement and colors! 

Common practices, such as Feng Shui, suggest that our homes and personal spaces are a reflection of ourselves. What you place and honor on your walls, you are asking the universe for more of. If you have ever created a vision board, I’m adamant that your home is the largest vision board you will ever create! 

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With four months until the holiday season, resulting in lots of extra gifts and sit-arounds coming into your life, this is the perfect time to get our homes energetically balanced! To reenergize your house, let’s start with eliminating ‘dead’ and stagnant energy.

Often when I go into a client’s home and ask about a piece of artwork or home trinket, I hear, “I haven’t looked at that in years,” or “My ex-husband gave me that and I don’t have any attachment to it.” This is what I consider ‘dead’ energy! I’m a firm believer that we are a mirror of the energy we surround ourselves with. If it has lost its sentiment, functionality, or purpose, it’s time to toss it. Below are classic areas where ‘dead’ and stagnant energies hide—happy hunting! 

1. Anything That Is Physically Dead.

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When I mention physically dead, house plants may come to mind. If your plant isn’t thriving, it's time to toss it (or give it to someone who has a green thumb). Bamboo and orchids are a popular gift item, and sometimes we find ourselves holding onto these plants because they were a gift—even if we are down to just the stem or one bamboo shoot. It’s okay to toss these items because they have served their purpose.

Things that no longer work qualify as ‘dead’ energy. Typically, when something breaks we have every intention to fix it or have it repaired. But how many times does the item just end up in the closet or the garage? The vacuum that 'just needs the belt replaced' or the lawnmower that could be fixed and sold need to go.  I promise you, you will feel better after you toss it. It takes a lot more energy and space to hold onto it! 

2. What’s On Your Walls?

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Take a look at the artwork on your walls. Is it still inspiring or has it lost its energy? Do you love it as much as the day you bought it? If not, try moving the piece to see if it regains its luster. Does your artwork depict images that reflect your goals such as travel, growth, or abundance? Or does it depict sorrow, sadness, or struggle?

Take a look at your picture frames. Who are in these photos? Are these people still in your social group? Are these people you can call and receive support from? Picture frames are easy to change but we have a tendency to put a picture in a frame and leave it for all eternity. Update your frames with current friends and events.  

3. The ‘Good Ole Times.’

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Does your house tell a story about living in the past? For example, old trophies and awards, outdated furniture, and college memorabilia are items that many of us tend to have. Update these items with current awards or items that tell your current story. Furniture can be a popular item to pass down. If you don’t love it or if it reminds you of sad times, it will raise the energy of the home to donate it. If you don't have updated items, simply remove them to make room for the new! Remembering the past is important, but holding onto the past can stunt your growth. 

4. Expired Products.

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Everything from condiments and skin care to medicine has an expiration date. Take a look at the “use by” dates on the shelves in your fridge and medicine cabinets—you might be surprised at what you can get rid of. I was embarrassed to find medicine and vinegar products that expired more than two years ago, and I also found skincare products that I needed to use within the next few months! In this case, not only are you creating more room, but you are also eliminating the future frustration of going to use something only to find out that you can’t. 

5. Items That Don’t Function Properly.

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Items that don’t function properly can cause frustration when we try to use them. It's funny that we can use an item repeatedly and experience the same frustration without thinking to throw it away—now is the time to remove this nonsense from your life! Below is a small list of items to spark your thoughts on what should be tossed now:

  • Socks, leggings, tights or undergarments with holes

  • The sock that hasn't had a match in months

  • The one earring that has lost its partner

  • The bobby pin missing its plastic ends or the hair tie that has lost its elasticity 

  • Shoes with damaged heels or bottoms

  • Articles of clothing with forever stains

  • Pens that don’t work (how often do we just throw them back in a drawer or pen cup?)

Eliminating dead and stagnant energy is the first step to re-energize the home and create room for new opportunities and energy! Remember, these don't have to be large items. Removing simple frustrations from the home can make a big impact. Because each home is unique, I suggest hiring a Feng Shui consultant to dive into all of the specifics in order to help you create the home of your dreams!

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Born and raised in Las Vegas, Kate Wind graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. She began her career in the corporate world of hotel spas, but later on began to expand her astrology knowledge and pursue her lifetime goal of helping others. These days she works as a full-time astrologer and Feng Shui consultant, and thrives to provide a fun, insightful reading met with guidance in a comfortable atmosphere.