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Beauty Boss: Diipa Buller Khosla, Founder of Inde Wild

Diipa Büller Khosla.

Our latest Beauty Boss is Diipa Büller Khosla, Founder of Indē Wild—a luxurious beauty brand that blends ancient Ayurvedic rituals with cutting-edge scientific advancements to create skincare products that nurture both the body and soul. Born and raised in India, Khosla grew up around ancient Ayurvedic remedies and her mother is a practicing Ayurvedic doctor and dermatologist, so science and tradition were a part of the family’s daily life.

Khosla’s personal journey with acne led her to create Indē Wild, a brand that celebrates its South Asian heritage and individuality by offering products that cater to diverse skin tones and needs while honoring traditional practices. It was handpicked to represent Indian brands at the prestigious Sephora Accelerate program and has quickly gained recognition for its commitment to authenticity and innovation.

The documentary “Show Her the Money,” which addresses how women are receiving less than 2% of venture capital funding and demystifies what venture capital is, prominently features Khosla as a founder who received venture capital to launch her product worldwide. The documentary is currently on a 50-city global tour sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank. To watch the trailer for the film, click here.

We chatted with Khosla who shared her favorite wellness tips, secrets for success, best advice, and much more.

When was Indē Wild founded and what does the name mean?

Indē Wild was built from the inspiration of the community of independent and wild women. Indē is a play of independence and India, whereas wild signifies the herbs of Ayurveda available in the wild, and how the brand comes full circle as our products and packaging is sustainably sourced. The brand was established in 2021.

What inspired the creation of the brand?

Indē wild was inspired by the duality of what it means to be a modern day independent desi women. On one hand we encompass the culture passed down by our mothers and our grandmothers, while on the other hand, we are also modern women who believe in science and technology. Thus we bring this duality into the formulaic creations of our skincare that is made out of Ayurvedic tradition and scientific breakthroughs.

Another important facet of inspiration was my own battle with acne for 10 years. My mother, who is an Ayurvedic doctor, solved my issues with Ayurveda and chemistry, and when I couldn't find any beauty brands on the market that could do this, I decided to create my own brand. 

Indē Wild’s AM + PM Serum work together to protect skin throughout the day and amplify overnight restoration.

Your journey to market is featured in the film “Show Her the Money.” Can you discuss what it was like having your story told in that way?

It is extremely surreal to be a part of a film that is devoted to bringing light to a cause which I dedicated my career to advocating and that's to empower women to break the status quo and redefine what business means. I’m so excited to have my story shown alongside so many other inspirational females in power like Jasmine Jones, founder of Maya; or Vicky Pasche, founder of Dapper Boi. All these women in some shape or form represent the new trailblazing movement of females in power and it's an honor.

“Show Her the Money” focuses a lot on mentoring and nurturing entrepreneurs. What is some advice you can offer to those starting off as you did in the film?

Leverage your community, realize that people are here to help, and similarly, don't be afraid to help back. Someone's success does not come at the cost of your own; if you think about it as females, we are all in this together and a win for one female in the workforce, in the beauty industry, in overall society—is a win for all. 

Indē Wild Champi Hair Oil restores and hydrates hair with a curated selection of 11 clinically-proven Ayurvedic active ingredients.

What are your favorite Indē Wild product?

Right now my personal favorite is our new and improved AM 2.0 Serum. It is the perfect minimal vitamin C-based product to incorporate into your morning routine to keep you glowing and hydrated all day long. 

Where are your products sold?

Right now we are available to buy in the U.S., UK, Canada, and India via our own website. However, after completing the Sephora acceleration program, you may want to keep an eye out for us on their shelves very soon.

Future plans for the brand?

Keep growing our product lines and expanding in different retail spaces—we want our name to just get bigger and our offerings to get better. 

Who inspires you?

My mom, Dr. Sanghita Khosla, is my biggest inspiration. She is a superwoman who works a full time job, takes care of the household, and has raised three kids to be independent and successful. She is always happy, positive, and hardworking—and this has acted as a blueprint for me to follow as an adult. 

Khosla is also prominently featured among other female founders in the documentary “Show Her the Money,” a film that is currently on a 50-city global tour sponsored by Wells Fargo Bank.

Secret to success?

Always say "yes, never take no’s. Sounds crazy, but you should always seize any opportunity that comes your way big or small because any chance to grow, learn or experiment for your brand is a blessing, and to never take no’s means to never give up—if something doesn't work out the first time, try again, find an alternative or a even better option. There’s no such thing as impossible, it's just how badly do you want to make it possible?

Beauty secrets?

No matter how much money you spend on makeup or skincare products, my biggest beauty secret is that beauty comes from within and the moment you embrace what makes you is when you unlock your beauty. Embrace the features and nuances that only you have—once you know how to empower those niches is how you unlock true beauty.

Wellness tips?

You're allowed to put yourself first. Sometimes it's okay if you decide you need a me day, a 20-minute reset time, or even an early end to the day to spend time with your loved ones. Keep your priorities in line, but never lose touch of what makes you happy and healthy. 

Favorite way to relax?

Nothing compares to my weekly Sunday Champi hair massage—it's just 20 minutes of the day when I can close my eyes, reflect, reset, and let all the blood flow to my brain to help me gather energy for the week ahead.

For more information about Indē Wild, visit their website and follow on Instagram: @indewild

[Images courtesy of Indē Wild]

Kamala Kirk is a University of Southern California graduate and has been an editor/writer for more than a decade. She has written for E! Online, Total Beauty, TravelAge West, Malibu Times Magazine, and many more. She resides in Los Angeles and is a proud pug mom. Follow her on Instagram: @kamalakirk