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Beauty Boss: Rachel Katzman, Founder of Cuvée Beauty

Rachel Katzman.

Our latest Beauty Boss is Rachel Katzman, Founder of Cuvée Beauty—a unique line of hair care products infused with an exclusive Cuvée Complex that includes champagne extracts, delivering a dose of rare, potent and skin care-grade ingredients to enhance and strengthen hair.

“It was the popping of a cork from a few champagne bottles that left my hair soaked and got me obsessing over the results—shiny, soft and voluminous hair,” says Katzman. “I wanted to bottle up this magic and create a product that would recreate those results. Even though it started with champagne, I knew it wouldn’t end there. I have been coloring and damaging my hair since the 4th grade and always thought that my hair would keep growing back in the same condition, until one day it didn’t! I wanted to create products that would not only protect hair from coloring and heat styling, but also deliver a strong end benefit and transform hair from the inside-out, which is why I looked into the skin care world for ingredients.”

We recently sat down with the beauty brand founder to chat about inspiration, wellness and beauty tips, secrets to success, and more:

What inspired the creation of Cuvée Beauty?

As a beauty consumer, I wanted to make formulas and textures that would work in my hands. Most hair products are made for professionals and don’t always work the same in my hands. I hate washing my hair, I have no time to do it, and I wanted to make a line of simplified products so you can create whatever look you’re going for in as little time as possible with fewer products, but still achieve that end result of gorgeous, healthy hair. When I’m having a great hair day my confidence is sky-high, and I feel like I can take on whatever comes my way. I wanted that same experience to live out within the products.

Do you have a hero product?

Our Champagne Spray! It is what started the idea of the brand, and it’s unlike any other texturizing spray. It does not contain salt, so it won’t leave hair stiff, crunchy or hard. Your hair will have that textured look while still being moveable, and you’ll always be able to run your fingers through your hair.

What’s your favorite product from your line?

This question is always SO hard for me to answer! I would have to say our Shampoo and Conditioner system is a favorite because the scalp is where healthy hair starts. Without a good foundation, your style will never look as good as you want it to! The shampoo and conditioner gently cleanse without stripping, add moisture without weighing hair down, and are gentle enough for everyday use. The Champagne Spray is my favorite styler because I like to air-dry my hair, and it gives me that perfect messy, done-yet-undone look.

What key ingredients are used in your products?

We use top-of-the-line skin care ingredients. I’m super passionate about scalp health, and healthy hair starts with a healthy scalp foundation, which my products provide. Our Cuvée Complex, which is in every product, is made of champagne extracts, white truffle extracts, ceramides, resveratrol, platinum and pea proteins—all provide strength, softness and shine.

I believed in my products so much that I invested in clinical studies for our Shampoo and Conditioner system, and the results were amazing. Hair was two times stronger, four times smoother, and prevented up to 50% less breakage. All products are multi-use, so you can use them on wet and dry hair, creating fewer steps to achieve that end result. Our fragrance contains notes of juicy fig and gorgeous champagne. It’s clean, chic and uplifting to give you that boost—both in and out of the shower.

Cuvée Beauty products contain champagne extracts that support healthy hair and a health scalp.

Who inspires you?

I get inspired by all of our customers and brand loyalists! I’m inspired by the people I work with, my brother who is also an entrepreneur, my dad, and my mom!

Secret to success?

Always stay true to your WHY. Never be afraid to fail, learn and grow. And surround yourself with a team who shares your same drive, passion and WHY.

Beauty secret?
Try to not wear makeup when you don’t need to! I always notice a huge difference in my skin when I let it breathe and don’t wear makeup daily. And when you do wear makeup, wash your face really well and don’t half-ass it!!

Wellness tip?

I have shifted into a healthier lifestyle, from safer but still effective workouts to healthy eating, etc. My biggest tip would be for food: Everybody is different, and everyone’s body reacts differently to food. Just because a certain food has been labeled “healthy” doesn’t necessarily mean your body will react well or benefit from it. Be aware of how you feel after you eat certain foods, and know what makes you feel good and what doesn’t!

Best advice?

Be the customer! If you’re in the direct-to-consumer business, be the customer and become obsessed with it.

For more information and to purchase Cuvée Beauty products, visit the brand’s website and follow them on Instagram: @cuveebeauty

[Images courtesy of Cuvée Beauty]

Kamala Kirk is a University of Southern California graduate and has been an editor/writer for more than a decade. She has written for E! Online, Total Beauty, TravelAge West, Malibu Times Magazine, and many more. She resides in Los Angeles and is a proud pug mom. Follow her on Instagram: @kamalakirk