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Meet ALTYR, the Online Concierge Booking Platform for Bespoke Healing Services

ALTYR is an online concierge booking platform that provides personalized, in-home or virtual access to bespoke healing services.

After getting married and having children, entertainment attorney Camrin Agin began to experience debilitating migraines. Realizing that she needed to slow down and take care of herself, Agin began pursuing holistic healing methods such as reiki and sound baths. When her migraines and other physical ailments were noticeably improved as a result, Agin soon came up with the idea for ALTYR, an online booking platform for bespoke healing services.

“Five years ago, if I were to look into a crystal ball and see that I’d become a wellness entrepreneur, my instinct would be that the crystal ball was clearly broken,” says Agin. “I guess I also never would have looked into a crystal ball five years ago. Growing up, I was not a very spiritual person—though I've always been curious. After the migraines started. I needed my mind and body to slow down. To consciously take a pause, repeatedly.”

ALTYR was founded in November 2020 and the name comes from inspiration from alter (to make a different in a small but significant way) and altar (a sacred space). ALTYR represents one’s path to both. The platform connects users to a variety of holistic wellness practitioners and offers access to a wide range of personalized healing treatments such as guided meditation, sound baths, intuitive readers, and more. It provides both in-person at-home experiences as well as remote services to clients.

“Everyone’s lives are so overloaded—constant information, constant connection, constant need for immediate response—it’s easy to lose sight of you,” says Agin. “ALTYR aims to help you refocus that sight. To allow you to sit with yourself and be aware of what it is you’re really feeling, what it is you want, and to explore that in a calm and non-judgmental way. When you want, where you want. It’s about creating a safe space within you by creating a safe space around you. But because I'm me, I had to create a company to do so. And allow others to do so as well.”

We interviewed Agin, who shared more about what inspired the creation of ALTYR, how it works, its most popular services, and more.

ALTYR connects users to a variety of holistic wellness practitioners and offers a wide range of experiences from energy healing and guided meditation to sound baths, and more.

What inspired the creation of ALTYR?

I was suffering from chronic, debilitating migraines. Every few weeks, I’d have a throbbing pain in my back, neck, and head. I went to several doctors, but regardless of their diagnosis or treatment, the symptoms persisted. I met an acupuncturist who told me that pain was the body’s way of communicating. That my body was more or less saying (or screaming) that I had to change my mental state if I wanted to fix my physical one. That led me to reiki, breath work, sound baths, and a love of crystals. The result: less migraines, less back pain, and the ability to be conscious of prioritizing and balancing the various aspects of my life. From that, ALTYR was born.

The general idea is that we need our minds and bodies to slow down, but that doesn’t mean stop. It means consciously taking a pause, repeatedly. I struggled to find a practitioner who would come to my home who I could trust and I felt comfortable with—I realized there was an opportunity. Something was missing in the market for a concierge service of healers, so I personally sought them out for over a year to create ALTYR. I wanted to make these wellness experiences both approachable and private, while providing a platform that made curating an experience easy to do in the Los Angeles market and virtually.

Whether you’re seeking a specific experience or a combination of them, ALTYR’s practitioners will customize your treatment.

How does ALTYR work and what kinds of wellness services do users have access to?

You can book an appointment on our website, over text or DM after checking out our services on the website. We offer many holistic services and are adding more all the time: breath work, intuitive readings, sound baths, reiki (energy healing), guided meditation, and more.

What are some of the most popular services people are booking at the moment?

We offer the ALTYR Signature Service, which is a little bit of everything for those who want to try it all but don't know quite where to start—it’s tailored to you in the moment.

Where are in-person services offered?

At the client's home, in the Los Angeles area, in an outdoor space so that it is safe.

What services are offered virtually?

Everything on the current menu! As we expand into massage and acupuncture, that will be a bit harder to do virtually.

ALTYR can be enjoyed as an individual experience for personal growth or added as a special element to birthdays, couples retreats, girls’ nights, and bridal or baby showers.

What will users enjoy about the ALTYR experience?

The bespoke element of the treatment and the empathy of our practitioners. We meet you where you are—no matter where you are in your journey.

Future plans for ALTYR?

More holistic modalities. We treat the whole person and as such, modalities such as body work, nutrition, pilates, and assisted stretching will be added to our menu. And products—we will be getting more into wellness tools to aid in your journey when we can't be with you.

For more information and to book a bespoke healing service, visit the website and follow on Instagram: @thealtyr

[Images courtesy of ALTYR]

Kamala Kirk is a University of Southern California graduate and has been an editor/writer for more than a decade. She has written for E! Online, Total Beauty, TravelAge West, Malibu Times Magazine, and many more. She resides in Los Angeles and is a proud pug mom. Follow her on Instagram: @kamalakirk