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Nutritional Health Coach Debbie Hendrickson Shares Tips for Healthy Eating, Boosting Your Immune System, and More

Certified Nutritional Health Coach Debbie Hendrickson.

Certified Nutritional Health Coach Debbie Hendrickson is passionate about helping people conquer their health issues through healthy diet solutions. “I believe that proper nutrition and resetting your body will quickly put you on the road to healing and allow you to steadily get your life back,” Hendrickson shares on her website Heavenly Healthy Gourmet.

While it’s always a good idea to take steps towards a healthy lifestyle, now seems like an especially critical time to take care of ourselves and our health. We caught up with Hendrickson to learn more about her journey and get tips for healthy eating habits, immunity boosting, and more.

When did you first become interested in nutrition and recipes? Did you grow up cooking?

When I was a little girl, I loved to help my dad with recipes in the kitchen and that’s probably what started it for me! But back then, I was also a typical sugar and Burger King kid. I really didn’t know about nutrition until I got older. In the kitchen though, I loved experimenting with recipes and knew I was drawn to cooking, but I didn’t know enough about what was healthy and what was not.

Tell us about your background and what inspired you to become a certified nutritional health coach?

I became interested in becoming a Certified Nutritional Health Coach when I was able to heal my autoimmune disease. I was sick for more than 10 years and went through more than a dozen Western medical doctors trying to get help. Eventually, I was able to find a couple of naturopathic specialists who suggested I could maybe find healing through diet and supplementation. I felt like I was starting to come alive again and enjoy many days with reduced pain. After incredible results in my body and getting my life back, I decided to learn about this “other side” of natural medicine and become certified so I could pay it forward. Now it’s really about helping people through the pain I went through. It’s definitely become a passion for me.

How have your own health challenges led you to where you are today?

Absolutely. I have Hashimoto’s thyroid disease and had debilitating fibromyalgia—both of which, as it turns out, were related to digestive and hormone issues. After I started to realize that modern pharma-based medicine didn’t have all the answers, it drove me to look for solutions elsewhere. When those alternatives started to work in my healing, I was a girl on fire to learn all about the other options in treatment out there. It’s not unusual to find people pursuing a career path in an area where they’ve experienced transformation in some way. It’s definitely become mine. Of course, having gone through certain health challenges personally, I became a student in specific areas, especially women’s issues.

What are some of the first steps that people should take if they want to start eating a more health conscious diet?

I think the first step is to really be 100% “in” and realize how important it is to eat whole foods as a lifestyle. So many times people don’t know where to start, so now as a health coach I love helping people get there. I create the meal plans for them, a grocery list, sometimes help them revamp their pantry and really educate them on how to find that healthy lifestyle. Every person is so different. Each one is called a bio-individual and needs a unique path to healing. After we get them on track, I teach them how to maintain it for the rest of their life.

On your website you talk about the Dirty Dozen and Clean 15. Can you share a little about what this means and why you recommend buying certain foods organic?

It’s really important when you’re buying produce to make sure that you’re not eating pesticides or genetically modified foods. The dirty dozen is a list of foods that are notorious for chemical contamination. I usually explain it like this: anything without a thick skin you want to buy organic. And if they’re not organic, you just want to ask if they’ve been sprayed with pesticides. Not all companies are certified organic, but some still adapt natural growing practices, especially many smaller local farms.

For an example of the dirty dozen, it’s very hard to get a pesticide out of a strawberry or an apple because it penetrates past the skin to the part that we eat. Depending on the fruit or vegetable, the herbicides and pesticides pass into our digestive systems and wreak havoc on our immune system and our organs.

The Clean 15 are those foods that have a thicker skin and you don’t have to buy them organic such as avocados, bananas, cantaloupe, etc. Pesticides can’t get into those foods as they have a thicker natural covering. So on the Clean 15, you can save money on those as well by not having to buy the more expensive organic versions of them. It doesn’t mean they’re as clean or certified organic, but they’re definitely better.

What are some of your favorite healthy staples that you always have stocked in your pantry?

I always make sure I have fresh organic produce, fruits and vegetables. I also love having a good bone broth in case I have a tummy issue, as it’s very healing to the gut. I love my snacks too, I just make sure that they’re healthy ones. I developed a cooking website for that purpose so that people can feel like they can cheat but it’s a healthy cheat. I have a whole pantry shopping list on my website of my favorite snacks that I love to make that are easy for my clients and followers to make.

During this time everyone is concerned about keeping our immune systems at the top of their game. Are there any foods or other tips you can share for strengthening our immune systems?

For sure. I think it’s so important to stay away from sugar and too many grains. Anything that turns into sugar in our system such as processed flour, processed foods, alcohol, etc. because sugar intake is not your friend. Even daily amounts can really lower your immune system. Not to say you can’t have a cheat here and there, but I always recommend a healthy treat with honey, maple syrup etc. I also think it’s important to take certain supplements that your body is lacking for minerals and vitamins. When I work with clients I get their blood work done so I can find out where they’re at and what they need. I don’t believe in just supplementing anything but what you need.

How do inflammation and gut health affect our immune systems and is there anything you recommend for reducing inflammation and improving gut health?

80% of our immune system is in our gut so it’s so important to make sure your diet is super clean. Many people have something called “leaky gut” which causes inflammation and then can lead to autoimmune disease and cancers. Stress too, believe it or not, can really be a trigger for inflammation as well. 

To help reduce inflammation, I teach my clients not just diet but really lifestyle changes and spiritual changes, both mentally and physically. Everything plays together like an orchestra to give us the best health. I encourage people to stick to the 80/20 rule. Eat at least 80% clean and healthy every day and no more than 20% of the not-so-healthy. Because we all need a cheat now and then, right?

Tell us a little about the services you offer as a Nutritional Health Coach and what potential clients can expect when working with you one on one?

I first do a free health history that my client fills out like they would at the doctor’s office. Then we discuss it, which typically takes 10-15 minutes gathering information and seeing if we’re a good fit for each other. Then I explain how I can help them and the path I’d recommend. If they’re a go, I meet with them for 60-90 minutes or so to go through meal plans, grocery list supplements, exercises, and educating them as well. It really gives them a great start. Then we meet every two weeks virtually or in person for follow-up.

Do you have a favorite general wellness tip that you can share?

Besides diet and what you eat, I would say don’t go to bed angry. Really manage your stress whether it’s meditation, prayer, exercising, etc. I think working on the whole person is so important for your well-being.

Any beauty secrets?

I have lots of beauty secrets! If I could just pick one I would say wear sunblock! We can eat really healthy but if we stay in the sun too much, we can really damage our skin on the outside even if we are eating super healthy. To keep your skin vibrant and young-looking, it’s so important to take care of your skin. I love getting facials, using anti-aging chemical-free products, and treating myself to a spa now and then for sure!

What is your favorite way to relax?

If I can’t get to the spa, I would say taking a good book to the beach with a lounge chair, an umbrella and lying on the warm sand watching the waves. It feeds my soul so much. With a girlfriend is even better or my hubs!

Best advice?

Forgiveness! I think life is so short and when we have contention with people it steals our joy. I think it’s good to live in peace with people even if you agree to disagree. Let go of offenses quickly. The only one they really hurt is you.

Do you have a favorite delicious recipe that you can share with us?

Well, I have 190 recipes on my website. Here is one I think you will love:

Gluten-Free Blueberry Banana Pancakes

Gluten-Free Blueberry Banana Pancakes


1 cup Bobs Red Mill Gluten-Free Flour

1/2 cup Almond Milk

1 Banana

2 Organic Eggs

1 tsp. Vanilla

1 tsp. Cinnamon

1 tsp Baking Soda

1 tsp. Chia Seeds

3 tbsp. Maple Syrup

1/2 cup Blueberries

Maple Syrup, Hot Berries for topping


Mix all ingredients in a Vitamix or blender and make pancakes. Add berries to mix at end and mix lightly. Make sure you spray coconut oil or organic butter so it doesn’t stick. Much easier to make on a griddle as these take longer to cook. For topping, put berries in a microwave dish or heat on the stovetop and pour on top of pancakes. The sweetness is all you need unless you want more, add maple syrup and top with more fruit. Mostly ENJOY :)

Where can people connect with you on social media?

I’m on Instagram and Facebook. My IG handle is @HeavenlyHealthyGourmet and Facebook is Heavenly Healthy Gourmet as well. I also have a website with lots of recipes, all my health coaching, and many fun beauty products, as well as staples for your home, appliances, cleanses, and much more! And that’s at

[Images courtesy of Debbie Hendrickson/Judy Bradstreet]

Lizzy Sherman is an award-winning digital content writer/editor. She has been a featured guest speaker at Cal State University Northridge, Digital LA and The National Association of Audience Marketing Professionals. When she's not writing, Lizzy enjoys yoga and playing guitar. Follow her on Instagram: @zillizy