Tastemakers and Trendsetters: Anna Crollman of My Cancer Chic
Anna Crollman.
After being diagnosed with breast cancer in her 20s, Anna Crollman started My Cancer Chic to share her journey and inspire women to live in confidence and style. Crollman uses her experience of facing breast cancer to create resources, community, and inspiration for young women. Her blog became a place to share not just her cancer story, but her passion for all things style and beauty. Five years into remission, Crollman continues to uplift young women through wellness, positivity, style, and self-love.
Can you share a little about your journey to starting My Cancer Chic?
When I was 27 years old I was diagnosed with breast cancer out of the blue. As someone who always loved reading blogs for fashion and beauty advice, I immediately looked to blogs for support during my cancer journey and came up empty. I decided to start blogging to fill that void for young women facing cancer by sharing my story and how fashion and beauty helped me navigate hair loss and the trauma of my mastectomy, chemotherapy and reconstruction.
Over the years, my platform grew and expanded to inspire women of all backgrounds facing adversity to thrive through self-confidence and style. I share my life and journey through cancer and infertility to where I am today as a mother, a blogger, a health advocate, and a content creator. I love inspiring my followers to live their most authentic lives filled with vulnerability and confidence.
What are some of the most popular topics on My Cancer Chic?
Some of my most popular topics are focused on hair loss and regrowth. For women dealing with hair loss, it’s an extremely emotional experience, and finding ways to feel confident and beautiful while bald and as you navigate the regrowth can be challenging. My posts that provide tips, tools, and support to women going through that stage are a huge hit. I also find that my posts on self-love are super popular. Everyone needs a boost to their confidence and finding you are not alone in your self-love journey can be empowering.
Are there any posts that you’d want those new to your site to start with?
For someone first starting out on my page, I would suggest starting with this post on regaining confidence after a major life-changing event (surgery, divorce, postpartum, etc). I think that post gives a great window into my own journey and provides take away tips for first time readers.
Top beauty tips?
Start taking care of your skin early! I was late to the skincare game in my mid-late 20s and my regret is wishing I started to care sooner. While makeup is my one true love, makeup only goes so far if you aren’t taking care of your skin. Now I refuse to go to bed each night without completing my skincare routine and makeup gets to be a beautiful addition to my healthy skin.
Top style or fashion tips?
Dress for yourself and don’t be afraid to experiment. I have gone through many fashion phases in my life, but at the end of the day I come back to the clothes that make me happy, which just so happen to be feminine, florals, and lots of pink. For someone else it may be lots of classic black or maybe yellows lift your mood. Whatever it is that makes you feel confident, that’s the style for you!
Wellness tip?
Journaling and meditation apps are a great way to work wellness into your everyday routine. Many times we think just about our eating or exercise (which are also important), but minimizing stress is equally important for our overall health.
Favorite ways to relax?
For me relaxing is saying now, clearing my calendar, and putting my phone away. As a full-time local employee, part-time entrepreneur, wife, and mother, my work never ends. To relax, I have to shut off all means of communication and be intentional about my down time.
Who inspires you?
The women in my local blogger/influencer community inspire me. We truly support one another's success and learn so much from each other personally and professionally. I’m also inspired by so many amazing women across other industries such as Brene Brown, Kenya Hunt, Lily from All Things Lily Ann, and the hundreds of new young women breaking into the entrepreneur space.
Secret to success?
The secret to success in my book is there is no secret. Success is defined by the individual and may look different based on your goals. In terms of achieving your goals, I think 3 tips would be:
1. Believe in your worth and trust that you are bringing value
2. Put in the hard work
3. Foster a core community of support
Best advice?
Be true to yourself in business and always put your business first. It can be easy when you are starting out to try and model your business after those you look up to, but when you create a brand that is uniquely you, that is when you will be successful. No one can be like you or do what you do. Hone in on that and share that unique voice and skill with the world.
Where can people find you on social media?
You can find me @mycancerchic on all social platforms and at mycancerchic.com
[Images courtesy of Anna Crollman]
Lizzy Sherman is an award-winning digital content writer/editor. She has been a featured guest speaker at Cal State University Northridge, Digital LA and The National Association of Audience Marketing Professionals. When she's not writing, Lizzy enjoys yoga and playing guitar. Follow her on Instagram: @zillizy