Tastemakers and Trendsetters: Joseph Andrews, Founder of BluMaan
Tastemakers & Trendsetters - Style
Joseph Andrews, YouTube star and founder of BluMaan.
Joseph Andrews is an LA-based content creator and founder of BluMaan, a men’s hair styling collection on a mission to help customers find their own personal style. He is known for his YouTube videos (with over 1.6 million subscribers) which feature tips for hair, fashion, and lifestyle. Andrews realized many of his YouTube viewers were having trouble finding a versatile, non-toxic, high-hold hair styling product and he wanted to offer an effective and stylish solution. BluMaan was created to provide just that—an affordable, quality men’s grooming line. We chatted with Andrews to learn more about BluMaan and get some of his top style tips!
Tell us about your background and path to launching your own product line? When did you launch it and where is it available?
Growing up, I always knew that creating content was a passion of mine. When I was 19, I started caring about my hair (at least more seriously than ever before) and decided to learn more about styling and what “suits” me. YouTube was already my go-to media consumption platform and I quickly realized that the men’s hairstyling space on YouTube was lacking in a major way, especially compared to the female beauty side. I decided, “You know what? I’m going to buy a hair product and throw up a review…just for fun.” That’s what I did and that’s what kicked everything off!
Since then, I dedicated the next seven years to learning as much as I could about hair care to share with other guys that are starting out for the first time—just like me when I was 19. My YouTube hobby turned into a full career with the launch of our own BluMaan product line, which occurred roughly two years after starting my YouTube channel. It was hair products that got me interested in the world of hair in the first place and it just felt right having a line of fantastic products to be used as tools by those learning about hair for the first time through our platform.
For those who aren’t familiar with your YouTube channel, do you have a favorite video or two that you recommend checking out?
My standout video was the first one of mine that ever went truly viral. As far as I’m aware, this was the first video uploaded on YouTube that combined haircut footage with a voice over explaining what’s happening and teaching guys how to communicate with their hairdresser back at home. Prior to this, there were haircut videos on the platform, but all were accompanied by music with no explanation. It’s a simple concept, but that’s often all it takes! You can find it here, now with over 23 million views:
As for a more classic tutorial like video, guys all around the world found this “flat-wrap” technique to be very useful when blow-drying their hair:
What would you say is the signature product from your collection and do you have a favorite product?
Our signature would have to be our first one, Original by BluMaan ($21.50). This product is what kickstarted everything and tackled one of the major hurdles when it comes to guys and grooming: convenience. Original is designed to be used both as a pre-styler, (before you blow-dry your hair) and as a post-styler. As a pre-styler, it’s lightweight enough to provide an excellent foundation and structure to your hair by adding volume and control. And as a post-styler, it’s strong enough to keep your hair locked in all day. Original also has built-in heat protection to keep your hair safe while using heating tools.
That said, we make each of our products different to serve specific hair types. As a guy with thick hair, my favorite combo is Original (as the pre-styler) followed by Cavalier Clay ($21.50), our heavy holding clay. It’s a great product for guys who have thick hair that need to keep it under control.
I’d also like to shed light on our hair oil, Cloud Control ($24.50), a product that quickly became a best seller to our surprise. I knew I really loved it, but didn’t expect it to be so well received by a male-dominated audience. What sets our hair oil apart is the fact that it’s 100% natural and is made with over 11 essential oils and botanical extracts. Being able to combine so many oils together without the use of synthetic ingredients proved to be a difficult undertaking, but as a result we have some of the best natural hair oil out there.
Any fun tips you’ve discovered for styling with your products?
My biggest tips are always the simplest: use a blowdryer. Even though more and more guys are getting the hang of the whole blowdry thing, there are plenty who still don’t understand the value. Are you tired of your hair not staying where you want it? Use a blowdryer. Tired of it falling down halfway through the day? Blow-dry. I think you get the point. Of course, combining blowdrying with suitable pre-styling products will help amplify your results.
Other than your own line, do you have any other must-have products or tools that you love using?
My favorite blowdryer is the one made by Dyson. My favorite brush is a paddle brush—the best brush type for for the flat-wrap technique mentioned above.
Any favorite style secrets?
Whenever you’re unsure, always err on the side of simplicity. Looking good doesn’t have to be complicated or hard. In fact, when you’re first experimenting with your own personal style, focus on the basics that fit right. A simple white T-shirt with some blue jeans that fit correctly will look better than an expensive suit that’s oversized.
What’s in and what’s out as far as hair trends go? Anything else we should know about that’s on your radar for grooming or fashion?
As the question suggests, trends always come and go. I like to focus more on the classics that will always be in and touch on trends here and there for those who might be interested. Going for a modern quiff (longer hair that swoops back), messy side part or textured quiff (shorter hair that is styled upwards with lots of definition) will always be great options to go for. That said, going platinum blonde is a trend that is growing and looks great on lots of guys.
During quarantine season, however, we’ve seen a lot more guys embracing the buzz cut (another hairstyle that suits more guys then most people realize) and longer, more grown out looks. At the end of the day, quarantining has given us a huge reason to experiment with hairstyles we may have never tried and I’m all for it!
Who inspires you?
Mariano Di Vaio was my first hair inspiration and a big factor in my personal hairstyling journey. Not to mention his style is great!
Secret to success?
My success comes down to two things: being consistent, even when you’re not seeing the reward for your effort; and collaboration. When I first started my journey on YouTube, I did it for me. I had no expectations for it grow into what it has today and that’s key. You have to enjoy the journey you’re on—not impatiently wait for major success overnight.
I’m also a huge fan of getting people involved that know more than I do. Everyone is skilled at certain things. Find people that know how to do the stuff you don’t and work together to build something great.
Favorite ways to relax?
I know it’s basic, but a good movie on the cozy couch is always a great way to wind down the day!
Where can people find you on social media?
@blumaan is all my social accounts. @byblumaan is our product social accounts.
[Images courtesy of BluMaan]
Lizzy Sherman is an award-winning digital content writer/editor. She has been a featured guest speaker at Cal State University Northridge, Digital LA and The National Association of Audience Marketing Professionals. When she's not writing, Lizzy enjoys yoga and playing guitar. Follow her on Instagram: @zillizy