Week 19 of Weekly Wellness: Chill and Reboot with NuCalm
Kissing stress goodbye thanks to the help of NuCalm, a patented neuroscience technology.
Although I work in the wellness industry, I can’t seem to escape from the stress, anxiety, and sleep issues that are a part of everyday life. With the idea of self-care always in mind, I was intrigued to try NuCalm, a natural patented neuroscience technology designed to lower stress, accelerate recovery, and improve sleep equality sans drugs as part of my #WeeklyWellness2021 Challenge.
10 Ways to De-Stress and Stay Calm
Stress is a catalyst to basically everything I want to avoid, impacting sleep, mood, diet, energy levels, and physical appearance. My thought is if I can tackle stress, it’s a snowball effect for good. When I learned that NuCalm is used by the U.S. military, F.B.I., many sports teams, and super achievers like Tony Robbins, I knew I had to get started pronto!
How It Works
The NuCalm system includes a few components: a mobile app and a kit including an eye mask, biosignal processing discs, and a travel case. To use, first find a comfortable place to NuCalm like a bed, couch or chair—then grab your eye mask and a cozy blanket.
Connect headphones to your smart device, connect to the NuCalm app, and select a ‘journey’ that best meets your current needs and the maximum time you have available per session before turning your phone to “Do not disturb.” Cover your eyes and relax to the calming sounds available within NuCalm’s library.
NuCalm can be used any time of day, although the afternoon is ideal so that your body can rest and restore when it starts to naturally dip. The biosignal processing discs deliver biological signals to slow down brain activity so the body can enter a proper state of relaxation. This, combined with the proprietary neuroacoustic software, is designed to pace brain waves at an optimal level where restoration and recovery occur. Because the brain recognizes these as cues to relax, the body is able to fall into deep relaxation and calm for autonomic nervous system balance.
With NuCalm, stress hormones are interrupted, leading to an array of positive outcomes including better sleep, lower blood pressure, strengthened immune function, improved emotionally stability, and enhanced performance, to name a few. Basically, you get the tremendous benefits of meditation quickly and easily.
Week 18 of Weekly Wellness: Mindfulness for Busy Moms
My Experience
Before trying I was a bit skeptical, but quickly found that using NuCalm was easy and effective. Unfortunately, I’m not able to take a break for NuCalm in the afternoon, but found it beneficial when I had a chance to use it in the evening. When logging into the app, you’re able to choose a ‘journey’ depending on what your body needs ranging from rescue/recovery and reboot to restore balance, creative energy, and recharge for the benefits of a power nap. There is also a 3-Day Kickstart option, which I opted for to get my feet wet.
Upon putting in my ear buds and eye mask, I challenged myself to at least 20 minutes each day. I noticed my breathing quickly slowed and deepened, and my body melted into a calm state between consciousness and sleep. I felt minor tingling and muscle twitching, which are normal responses to blood flow and relaxation. I slept great and noticed an improvement in my mood and energy levels each day after. Waking up for early morning gym sessions became easier, and I felt calmer and more rested than before. I’m looking forward to continual use!
NuCalm recommends sessions at least two to four times a week for a minimum of 20 minutes. Various factors such as sleep deprivation, stress, illness, injury and others will also affect the needed length and frequency of your session.
I’ll be putting NuCalm to the ultimate test soon on an upcoming red eye flight. The brand claims the benefits of two hours of restorative sleep in 20 minutes. Stay tuned to see if it works to kick my jetlag!
Cost: $39.99+/month
Available: nucalm.com
I’d love to hear how you practiced self-care this week! Have you used a stress-reducing app? Tag me on Instagram @SLCBeautyBabe or @SpaandBeautyToday with tips and suggestions for next week.
[Photos by Alisha Racker]
Alisha Racker’s beauty career has spanned over a decade as she's worked as a master esthetician, skin care PR-pro and freelance writer. She lives in the beautiful mountains of Salt Lake City with her husband and daughter. Follow her on Instagram: @alisharacker