#BeautyBoss: Brian Goodwin, International Trainer for Eminence Organic Skin Care
Brian Goodwin.
This week’s #BeautyBoss is Brian Goodwin, International Trainer for one of our absolute favorite skin care brands, Eminence Organic Skin Care! Founded by brothers Boldijarre and Attila Koronczay, Eminence Organic Skin Care uses sustainable farming and green practices to create natural, organic and Biodynamic products that make skin look and feel healthier. Their certified organic ingredients are grown on a beautiful award-winning heritage landmark farm in Hungary.
We recently sat down with Goodwin, who travels the world educating others about skin care and Eminence products, and got the scoop on how he got his start in the industry, his beauty tips, success secrets, and more:
How long have you been in the beauty industry and how did you get to where you are now?
When I went to study cosmetology, it was with the intention of doing hair while I figured out the career path I wanted to take. As part of the course, esthetics was included, and as soon as I started learning about it, I knew this was the road for me. Since then I have become a Master Medical Esthetician, Master Herbalist, and consultant working in the industry for 14 years. I attribute my love and growth in the industry to the leaders and mentors that I had the opportunity to surround myself with. I always jumped into the deep end and challenged myself every step of the way.
What are your responsibilities in your role with Eminence Organic Skin Care?
As an International Trainer for Eminence Organic Skin Care, my main responsibilities include passionately educating about wellness, the secrets of achieving amazing skin, and outstanding customer service and sales training. I travel the world and share the knowledge I’ve gained about skin care and organic solutions to train fellow estheticians, trainers, and customers around the world.
What’s a typical day like for you?
Every day is varied, so it’s hard to paint a picture of a typical day. One day I could be training a room of 200 estheticians about our product, the best way to use them, and how to give an unforgettable facial to customers. Another day I could be collaborating in the top-secret Eminence “think-tanks,” working on the best way to deliver and create education about the newest products under development.
What’s your favorite product from Eminence Organic Skin Care?
My favorite product is hard to choose, but if I had to it would be the Facial Recovery Oil. It’s made with Biodynamic ingredients, which is a step above organic certification and includes precious herbs and nourishing oils to soothe and renew sensitive and aging skin. This is a luxurious facial oil suitable for all skin types and tones and hydrates skin beautifully.
Who inspires you?
Boldijarre Koronczay, president of Eminence Organic Skin Care, is an absolute inspiration of mine. I know this seems to be the obvious answer and potentially cliché, but it’s true! I’m inspired by his vision of the need for healthy, organic skin care before it was popular, and the undying compassion for everything he does. I’m also inspired by his incredible example of work ethic and his ability to make education fun yet impactful, which has become a pillar of our brand’s style of award-winning education.
Eminence Organic Skin Care Facial Recovery Oil.
Secret to success?
I would say it would be to always challenge yourself. Step outside your comfort zone and don’t be afraid to give things a go that scare you. I’ve grown so much by challenging myself and even overcame my fear of public speaking. I now host training sessions to crowds of hundreds and find that I really enjoy myself!
Beauty Secrets?
To know what you’re putting on your face and body. Your skin is your largest organ, so make sure you know exactly what’s in it before applying! In this sense, organic skin care is so important for beauty, perhaps now more than ever, due to the knowledge that we have of the potential negative effects that chemicals, pesticides, and artificial additives have on our health. Beauty from the inside, out and vice versa.
Wellness tip?
In general, focus on lowering your stress levels, as this affects our overall wellness possibly more than anything. Meditate, walk around and appreciate nature, take deep breaths and eat healthy, easy to digest foods that are rich in nutrients. Another tip I find personally useful is the mantra I repeat to myself, “You don’t want those carbs. Walk by them.”
Best advice?
It would be to constantly surround yourself with those that are more successful than yourself, always be open to critical feedback and learning, and do what you are most afraid of. The best thing I ever did for myself was to get over my paralyzing fear of public speaking. I’ve been able to transform that fear into the passionate energy I use to educate anywhere from four to 400 estheticians at a time. I’ve learned that whenever I’m fearful or uncomfortable to do something new, therein lies the biggest opportunity of self-growth and learning—all it takes is the courage to try and to believe in yourself that you can handle it.
For more information and to purchase Eminence Organic Skin Care products, visit the brand’s website and follow them on Instagram: @eminenceorganics
[Images courtesy of Eminence Organic Skin Care]
Kamala Kirk is a University of Southern California graduate and has been an editor/writer for more than a decade. She has written for E! Online, Total Beauty, TravelAge West, MalibuTimes Magazine, and many more. She resides in Los Angeles and is a proud pug mom. Follow her on Instagram: @kamalakirk