Beauty Bosses: Janna & Dr. Marc Ronert, Founders of Hush & Hush
Dr. Marc Ronert & his wife Janna.
Our latest Beauty Bosses are Janna and Dr. Marc Ronert, Founders of Hush & Hush—a scientifically developed line of nutraceuticals that fuel the body with the right nutrients, minerals, complexes, and proprietary-formulated Clean Clinical Vitamins to help the body age better. 15 years in the making, the brand combines cellular, regenerative, and nutritional research and is free of fillers, additives, and synthetic ingredients. All of the formulations are are designed to support the body’s natural defense and regenerative powers with a unique blend of scientifically-proven vitamins, herbs, and botanicals coupled with modern-day technology.
Janna is also the founder of Image Skincare and created her first professional skincare company 15 years ago after beginning her career as a licensed aesthetician. In 2011, she and Dr. Ronert founded the Care for Skin Foundation, which provides reconstructive skin surgeries for children who suffer from skin loss. An international wellness speaker, Janna earned the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award in 2012, Florida Business Journal’s CEO of the Year Award in 2016, and actively participates in C200—an organization of the world’s most successful female business leaders who support each other and work together to advance other women.
Dr. Ronert is a European board-certified plastic surgeon, European Board of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery fellow, and Chairman of the Scientific Advisory Board for Image Skincare. He also is a published author—his book Age Later consists of four distinct pillars that influence the aging process—diet, exercise, skin care, and inner peace—and examines all aspects of modern life to describe a protocol that, combined with the right anti-aging products, can dramatically improve the inevitable aging process.
We chatted with the supplement brand founders, who share their inspiration, beauty and wellness tips, favorite ways to relax, and more.
Hush & Hush is a line of clean luxury nutraceuticals created to delay the aging process and help the world live younger and longer.
When was Hush & Hush founded? What does the name mean?
JR: Hush & Hush officially launched in April 2019, but the brand is the culmination of 15 years of research dedicated to delaying the aging process. The meaning behind the name of the brand is actually two-fold and is a play on words. We like to say that the first ‘Hush’ relates to the idea that everyone tries to keep their true age a secret—it’s not something that most people like to talk about. The second ‘Hush’ ties in to our tagline, which is “The Secret Is Science.” We wanted to echo the correlation of secret via the word ‘hush’ in the company name. We threw around about a dozen different names before settling on Hush & Hush. It’s hip, of-the-moment, thought-provoking and, in our opinion, super cool.
What inspired the creation of the brand?
MR: We created Image Skincare about 16 years ago and worked really hard to create a top-tier professional, results-oriented skincare line. It’s incredibly successful and we are proud of what we have accomplished. When we looked at the environment of spas, medical spas, and doctors’ offices where we sell Image Skincare, we could never find a decent nutraceutical counterpart for the body cells that complements the topical effects of skin care.
Aging happens superficially on the skin, but it also happens the same within our body cells. We know that if you want to look great and age later, you need to use topical products, but you also need to nourish your cells from the inside out and take a preventative approach to defend against environmental factors internally. That’s why we created Hush & Hush to fill that gap.
JR: Living a clean life is a philosophy that was instilled in us at a young age and one that we are still devoted to. Today, it’s more apparent than ever that the best approach to healthy aging is one that consists of using both internal and external products. We wanted to create a line that was effective yet luxurious, and really rooted in science. We saw a void in the industry for a line like Hush & Hush.
Does Hush & Hush have a hero product?
MR: We currently have four SKUs in the collection, so you could say that they are all hero products. But if we had to name one, it would be TimeCapsule, which we call our ‘press pause on aging’ nutraceutical. It’s compatible with every age and is the perfect entry product for those who take a healthy approach to living and aging. It’s chock-full of good-for-your-body ingredients and provides a multitude of benefits.
What’s your favorite product by Hush & Hush?
JR: We love them all—they are all a labor of love. I’m a big fan of DeeplyRooted and have seen unbelievable results with it.
MR: I really like TimeCapsule and am super excited about our latest launch, PlantYourDay. I can’t get enough of that stuff! I also love Image Skincare’s Clear Cell Mattifying Moisturizer and Ageless Total Pure Hyaluronic6 Filler.
Where is Hush & Hush sold?
MR: Right now we are sold on our website. We have strong international distribution and are rolling out partnerships with retailers, plastic surgeons and dermatologists, and high-end hair salons and spas. Because this is such an exclusive and luxe brand, you definitely won’t find it on the shelves of a vitamin shop.
Dr. Ronert’s book, Age Later, details the tools needed to live a youthful, longer, and more fulfilling life.
Who inspires you?
JR: My role model has always been my father. Although he passed away several months ago, I still hold his values, ethics, and his drive about being the best you can be.
MR: If I had to name one person, I would say Richard Branson who founded Virgin Group.
Secrets to success?
JR: Surround yourself with dedicated, loyal, and hard-working people. A brand is only as good as the people behind it. If you want to be successful, empower those that are involved—make them feel appreciated and like part of the team. Also, never stop learning. There is always something new and innovative that sneaks up just as you think you’ve mastered a category or concept. You have to stay on your toes, be aware of the competition, and always willing to do what it takes to stay on top. Always show up. If you make a commitment to something, follow through with it. And of course, don’t forget about your customers. To us, customer service is key in creating an overall experience, which is what every consumer is looking for these days.
MR: When it comes to success, make sure you hire competent people to do their job and let them make decisions without interfering. Empower them but let them be accountable and responsible for their own work. This works wonders if you have the right team—and we do. I’m confident in every single one of our employees and they know I trust them. It really propels them to always go the extra mile without me asking for it.
Beauty secrets?
MR: I make sure to drink a lot of water, exercise and move my body, stay out of the sun, avoid eating meat, and not drink a lot of alcohol. Also, relaxing my mind and taking time out every day (at least 30 minutes) allows for me to reflect on the day and what’s ahead.
JR: I’m a huge believer in beauty from the inside out and the outside in. I keep my skin protected from the sun and well-hydrated. A good glam squad on speed dial is a necessity, too.
Wellness tips?
JR: There’s no denying the power of eating clean and feeding your body with organic, nutritious foods. Your body is an engine—what you put into it affects how you are able to function. Exercise is important, no matter your age or strength level. You need to move your body in order to live younger for longer. I practice yoga, play tennis, and try to stay as active as possible. Whenever we can walk instead of driving a car or taking a cab, we do.
MR: I recently published a book, Age Later, that is all about how to live better so that you can look and feel younger. There are four pillars of the philosophy and I’m a big believer in practicing wellness every day. It’s part of the formula for staying health and young.
Best advice?
My dad used to say me, “What does not kill you makes you stronger,” and these words have always given me strength. It made me understand that there are two options in life: to either be a successful person or not. This is a choice. I chose to be a successful person and I think all can choose to be successful if they choose to fuel their passion.
Favorite ways to relax?
MR: I make sure to make time for myself. I love to spend time with my family and travel. But it’s important for me to disconnect at the end of the day and reset. Our society is so connected to our devices and sometimes we forget to shut off. Whether it’s meditating or enjoying a nice glass of wine, I make sure to always find time to decompress and instill mindfulness.
For more information and to subscribe, visit the brand’s website and follow them on Instagram: @hush_and_hush
[Images courtesy of Hush & Hush]
Kamala Kirk is a University of Southern California graduate and has been an editor/writer for more than a decade. She has written for E! Online, Total Beauty, TravelAge West, Malibu Times Magazine, and many more. She resides in Los Angeles and is a proud pug mom. Follow her on Instagram: @kamalakirk