Mercury in Retrograde October 2019

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It's that time of year again when Mercury goes Retrograde!  Mercury usually goes retrograde three times a year and is known to upset communication, technology, and day-to-day expressions.  

Mercury officially goes retrograde on October 31, 2019 at 27 degrees of Scorpio backing all the way up to 11 degrees of Scorpio.  It may seem early to talk about, but just like the flu, we start to feel and see the warning signs early. During this time communication may not feel solid, we may flip-flop on decisions, or contracts and projects may need a second look or even a redo! 

On November 20, Mercury will go direct at 11 degrees of Scorpio and be on its way. Similar to the flu analogy, we may need time to recover after the retrograde. This is particularly relevant to anyone with planets sitting between 11-27 degrees of Scorpio, as Mercury will be making one additional pass as it heads back to 27 degrees of Scorpio.  

Read: What Does Your Moon Say About You?

Below is how each zodiac sign will be affected from a Solar standpoint:

ARIES: Taboo topics. Topics that fester under the surface. Joint monies.

TAURUS: Partners. Groups of people. Questioning who you can rely on. Potential partners.

GEMINI: Work. Workload. New Responsibilities. New daily habits or routines.

CANCER: Social life. Dating. Friendships. Groups of people. Children or child-like energies.

LEO: Home. Parents. Places that feel like home. Lineage.

VIRGO: Daily routine. Communication. Siblings. Neighbors.

LIBRA: Finances. Large purchases. Unexpected monies.

SCORPIO: Reputation. Appearance. Questioning self and abilities.

SAGITTARIUS: Little miracles. Beliefs. Closed-door conversations.

CAPRICORN: Groups of people. Social life. Friendships.

AQUARIUS: Reputation. Career and status. Uncovering new information.

PISCES: Education. Being seen. Travel or influence from people afar.

Understanding your birth chart will provide additional insight. For more information about your natal chart or astrological readings, visit or send an email to:

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Born and raised in Las Vegas, Kate Wind graduated from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas with a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology. She began her career in the corporate world of hotel spas, but later on began to expand her astrology knowledge and pursue her lifetime goal of helping others. These days she works as a full-time astrologer and Feng Shui consultant, and thrives to provide a fun, insightful reading met with guidance in a comfortable atmosphere.